The Ultimate Office Cleaning Supplies Checklist & How to Use it

A clean office is crucial for the health, productivity, and professional reputation of employees. It could create a healthy environment by reducing the spread of germs. To realize it, you will need necessary office cleaning supplies and a proper cleaning method.

The study showed the correlation between a clean and healthy workplace and increased productivity of employees. Employees who work in a clean environment are 5 % more productive than those who work in a dirty workspace.

Those who work in a clean workplace take an average of 3.9 sick days per year. It is lower than employees who work in a dirty workplace with 8.9 sick days per year on average.

To ensure you use only the necessary supplies of commercial office cleaning, be aware for the needs and make a checklist. Comprehensive list equips the cleaner with the required tools for effective entire cleaning tasks. Thus, they can create and maintain a hygienic work environment all the time.

Table of Contents

Essential Office Cleaning Supplies

Why does the cleaning process require essential supplies? The use of the right office cleaning supplies could result in a clean and healthy environment in the workspace. Even though you plan to hire a professional cleaning service provider, it’s important to know what essential office cleaning supplies are, including:

Cleaning Solutions

For essential office cleaning supplies, make sure the cleaning solutions will be on the checklist. 

Cleaning solutions are essential office cleaning supplies, tackling various surfaces and stains. From all-purpose cleaners to disinfectants, they ensure thorough sanitation, maintaining a hygienic workspace conducive to employee health and productivity.

Below are what’s included in cleaning solutions for office cleaning:

  • Multi-Purpose Cleaner: Method All-Purpose Cleaner (£3 – £5)
  • Disinfectant Spray: Lysol Disinfectant Spray (£4 – £6)
  • Glass Cleaner: Windex Glass Cleaner (£3 – £5)
  • Floor Cleaner: Zoflora Disinfectant (£5 – £10)

Disinfectant Wipes

Check whether the professional cleaner has essential supplies, namely disinfectant wipes. Disinfectant wipes are indispensable office cleaning supplies, swiftly eliminating germs on surfaces. 

Disinfectant wipes are convenient and effective, so they come as a quick solution for sanitizing high-touch areas, ensuring a clean and hygienic environment for employees and visitors.

Here are some of the examples of disinfectant wipes to meet your office cleaning needs and its cost:

  • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes: £4 – £7 per pack (75 wipes)
  • Lysol Disinfecting Wipes: £3 – £6 per pack (80 wipes)
  • Dettol Antibacterial Wipes: £3 – £5 per pack (72 wipes)

Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths are versatile office cleaning supplies, adept at trapping dust and dirt. Using these supplies means the cleaner can clean the surface without leaving streaks or residue. Their superior absorbency and durability make them essential for maintaining pristine surfaces and ensuring a sparkling workspace.

Some examples of microfiber cloths for commercial office cleaning are:

  • Amazon Basics Microfiber Cleaning Cloths: £10 – £15 for a pack of 24
  • E-Cloth General Purpose Cloths: £5 – £10 for a pack of 4
  • Vileda Microfibre Cloths: £5 – £8 for a pack of 8

Trash Bags

Why do office cleaning supplies include the trash bags? They are known as fundamental supplies, which facilitate efficient waste removal and disposal. They are available in various sizes and strengths and could ensure cleanliness and sanitation. Thus, the office must have these supplies for proper disposal in maintaining the cleanliness.

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Vacuum Cleaner

The vacuum cleaner is a vital office cleaning supply. It’s essential for removing dust, dirt, and debris from carpets and floors. Its powerful suction and versatile attachments ensure thorough cleaning, contributing to a tidy and hygienic workspace.

Broom and Dustpan

Broom and dustpan are other essential office cleaning supplies. They both adept at sweeping away dirt and debris from the floors. The simple and effective design of both broom and dustpan ensures quick cleanup. Thus, they contribute to a tidy and well-maintained workspace.

Mop and Bucket

The mop and bucket are indispensable office cleaning supplies, so they area ideal for maintaining clean and hygienic floors. With their efficient design and ability to tackle various floor types, they ensure thorough cleaning, contributing to a welcoming workspace.

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Additional Office Cleaning Supplies for Specific Needs

To provide the best result of the cleaning job, the cleaner must need some additional supplies. They usually use those additional supplies for specific needs. Before hiring a commercial cleaning London, check whether the cleaner uses additional office cleaning supplies or not, as follows:

Glass Cleaner for Windows and Mirrors

As additional office cleaning supplies, glass cleaner functions to ensure sparkling windows and mirrors. Its streak-free formula effectively removes dirt and grime, enhancing the office’s appearance and providing a clear view, contributing to a professional and inviting environment.

Glass cleaner will work well combined with other supplies like microfiber cloths and squeegee. The total cost you should prepare for those supplies start from £25 to £45 (cost estimate).

Electronics Cleaning Wipes

When it comes to maintaining a clean and germ-free workspace, the cleaning task may require electronic cleaning wipes. These wipes effectively remove dust, fingerprints, and smudges. They can result in an optimal performance and a hygienic workspace.

Electronics cleaning wipes cost approximately £5 – £10 per pack of 70-100 wipes. For a year’s supply (4 packs per month), the annual cost estimate is £240 – £480.

Air Fresheners

For perfect cleaning results at workspace, don’t skip the use of air fresheners. They provide a pleasant and inviting atmosphere by eliminating odors. Fresh air is more likely to create a welcoming environment for employees and visitors. It also enhances overall comfort and well-being in the workspace. 

Office air fresheners typically cost £3 – £10 each. For annual supply (assuming 3 air fresheners per month), the estimated annual cost is £108 – £360.

Whiteboard Cleaner

To maintain clear and legible whiteboards, whiteboard cleaner comes as the right office cleaning supplies to use. Its specialized formula effectively removes dry erase marker residue. 

With a clean whiteboard, everyone can feel comfortable because of a clean writing surface. It facilitates smooth communication and collaboration in the workspace.

Office whiteboard cleaner typically costs around £5 – £15 per bottle. Assuming one bottle lasts for several months, the annual cost estimate is approximately £20 – £60.

Carpet Stain Remover

Another valuable additional office cleaning supplies you must take into consideration is a carpet stain remover. It swiftly tackles spills and stains on carpets. 

The powerful formula of this cleaning supply effectively lifts and removes stubborn marks, restoring carpets to their original pristine condition and ensuring a clean and inviting workspace.

The cost of carpet stain remover is between £5 to £20 per bottle. For annual supply, the cost estimate ranges from £20 to £80.

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Step-by-step on How to Utilize Office Cleaning Supplies

How can you utilize the office cleaning supplies? This involves some steps like assessing daily office cleaning needs, organizing and purchasing necessary supplies, establishing cleaning schedule, and assigning tasks to the professional cleaners. Here is the details of each step:

Assessing the Cleaning Needs of the Office

When it comes to utilizing commercial cleaning supplies, the first step of office cleaning London is assessing the cleaning needs. It may involve inspecting which area has high-traffic, identifying high-touch surfaces, noting special requirements in restrooms and kitchens, and determining how often a regular cleaning basis is required.

Organizing and Purchasing the Necessary Supplies

Utilizing office cleaning supplies also deals with another step, organizing and purchasing the supplies. This is the next step done after knowing the cleaning needs by doing an assessment previously.

This part can involve listing required cleaning items and ensuring availability of the item. Thus, it ensures the cleaning efficiency while maintaining a hygienic and comfortable workspace.

Buying the office cleaning supplies means you should set the budget. Here’s the breakdown of cost estimate of those supplies:

  • Cleaning Solutions: £10 – £20
  • Disinfectant Wipes: £5 – £10
  • Microfiber Cloths: £10 – £20
  • Trash Bags: £5 – £10
  • Vacuum Cleaner: £100 – £200
  • Broom and Dustpan: £10 – £15
  • Mop and Bucket: £20 – £40
  • Glass Cleaner: £5 – £10
  • Electronic Cleaning Wipes: £5 – £10
  • Air Fresheners: £3 – £10
  • Whiteboard Cleaner: £5 – £15
  • Carpet Stain Remover: £5 – £20

The purchase of entire cleaning supplies for the office can cost about £178 to £380.

Establishing a Cleaning Schedule

After organizing and purchasing office cleaning supplies, the next task to do is establishing the cleaning schedule. It gets started by determining the cleaning time frequency and timing. 

Here is the example of cleaning schedule of the office or workspace by a hiring professional cleaner:

  • Daily: Empty trash, wipe desks, disinfect high-touch areas, vacuum/mop floors, clean restrooms and kitchen.
  • Weekly: Deep clean restrooms, dust surfaces, clean windows, vacuum upholstery.
  • Monthly: Deep clean carpets, polish floors, clean kitchen appliances, sanitize air vents.
  • Quarterly: Clean exterior windows, power wash entryways, inspect HVAC, perform pest control.

Assigning Cleaning Tasks to Cleaner

In the step of assigning cleaning tasks to the commercial office cleaning London, it means you will delegate specific responsibilities, from dusting, vacuuming, to cleaning restrooms and kitchens. So, it helps to maintain the cleanliness of the office based on the standards and expectations.

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Maintaining a Clean Office Environment

Keeping an office with a clean environment is essential for health. It results in employee satisfaction which then leads to increased efficiency and productivity. 

Daily office cleaning will minimize distractions and create a professional atmosphere. This can foster a positive work culture. This is the reason to never leave the office at a tidy workspace.

Importance of Regularly Cleaning and Maintaining the Office

Daily office cleaning is crucial for health, safety, and productivity. It reduces the spread of germs, prevents illness, and creates a pleasant work environment. Consistent upkeep extends the lifespan of office equipment and furnishings. It also helps to save costs as well as enhance well-being and efficiency of employees.

Hiring a Professional Cleaning Services for Office

When it comes to maintaining a clean office environment, here is the great reason why you need to hire a professional commercial cleaning London. This professional would ensure a consistently clean office. It also enhances the health and productivity of workers in the office.

Nothing to doubt how professional cleaners bring expertise, efficiency, and high-quality equipment and products, and deliver the best result. Since it can save time, employees will have more focus and become more productive.

The purchase of all office cleaning supplies can range from £183 to £380. If the supplies are for monthly usage only, it means you will spend about £2196 to £4560. While hiring a professional commercial office cleaning London typically ranges from £2,400 to £4,800 per year. In the long run, hiring a professional cleaner is more cost-effective and efficient.

Thus, it will be better to contact a trusted cleaner in London. Kind Contractor comes as a professional cleaning service provider to meet your needs and expectations. So get your free quote now & schedule a visit soon to ensure your spotless commercial & office spaces

Frequently Asked Question

Cleaning office needs some supplies, such as janitorial supplies (chemicals and cleaning solutions), cleaning equipment (tools and appliances), and consumables (hand soap, bin liners, toilet paper, and many more).

Professional cleaners ensure a spotless and clean workspace by dusting surfaces, vacuuming carpets, mopping floors, disinfecting high-traffic areas, cleaning restrooms and kitchens, emptying the trust, and maintaining schedule on a regular basis for a healthy environment.

A professional cleaner must involve the use of essential and additional  supplies whenever he cleans commercial properties.

Professional cleaner usually cleans the office by using a variety of tools and supplies. Those involve the use of microfiber cloths, mops, cleaning solutions for surfaces, and disinfectants.


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