Guide to Office Cleaning Costs in London 2024

Maintaining a clean office can enhance productivity of employees. Why productivity is matter? Employers or companies cost 33 % of worker’s annual salary to find the replacement if the employee leaves the company. Aside from that, it also deals with indirect costs like knowledge lost.

Aside from that, it can create good client impressions at their first visits. It becomes one of the reasons why office service is essential for businesses and offices in London.

Affordable cleaning service is what companies look for by knowing the office cleaning service before choosing a cleaning service provider in London.

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Factors Affecting London Office Cleaning Costs

The importance of getting a cost estimate before hiring a London office cleaning service is to know how much to prepare for hiring this professional.

However, the cleaning cost may vary since it’s affected by few factors below:

Guide to Office Cleaning Costs in London 2024

Size of The Office Space

Any plan to hire commercial cleaning London? For the first-timer, it’s important to know how the size of the office space becomes one of the factors affecting the cleaning cost.

Before cleaning your office, the cleaner will assess the room’s square footage, including the wall and floor. The cleaner needs more time to clean a large room. Thus, he or she needs to make an assessment upfront.

For instance, the cleaner needs to clean office space within 300 square feet. With the flooring needs, carpet cleaning with moderate staining due to high traffic. While for walls, it has light dust and a few smudges near the entry. Office room has about 5 desks with moderate clutter.

If the office asks for special instructions like cleaning the carpets and organizing the workstation, the cleaner may need extra time. It can take about 2 hours for thorough cleaning, including vacuuming, carpet cleaning, dusting, and wiping down overall surfaces.

Frequency of Cleaning Services

Cleaning service frequency comes as another factor impacts on the cleaning service cost. To deal with cost-effective service whether for big buildings, ensure you do regular cleaning service.

For instance, if the office has high foot traffic or lots of debris, it would be better to do a daily clean as well as the business related to the foods.

The cleaning service frequency will determine how much the cleaning service provider charges you. Get in touch with a local provider and double check the cost estimate.

Type of Cleaning Services Required

What kind of cleaning service do you need for a commercial building? What to keep in mind is the cleaning service type affects the total cleaning service cost.

First off, check your requirements or ask your employees whether basic cleaning is enough to keep the office cleaning. For some reasons, your office or store may need another cleaning service type, from deep cleaning to specialized services.

Add-on Services

Add-on service is known as another factor which always affects how much to spend for commercial office cleaning needs. If the office needs extra service like window cleaning, carpet cleaning, or others, the cleaner may charge higher costs.

Thus, it’s crucial to ask for a cost estimate, by which the cleaner assesses what kind of cleaning service fits your office. If it needs extra service, he or she will let you know how much it costs.

Get Best Price of Office Window Cleaning

Average Costs of Office Cleaning in London in 2024

Aside from a few things above, the office location also impacts the office cleaning service price. Do you already know the average cost for any office cleaning needed this year?

To hire office cleaning service, the average cost starts from £16 to £35 per hour depending on the type service the office needs. Note that this price range are from average services in London, so different type of cleaning or service location might have different rate. 

For those who live in London and other area surroundings, here is a list of office cleaning service cost in 2024:

  • Regular cleaning starts from £16 to £27 per hour
  • Deep cleaning starts from £30 to £45 per hour
  • Window cleaning starts from £32 per hour


Breakdown of Costs Based on Factors Mentioned Above

By knowing factors that affect the office cleaning costs, people would know how much they should prepare for cleaning needs, right? Below are the cost estimate for each factor affecting the cost of commercial cleaning service:

Size of the Space

Space or size contributes to determine low or highest cleaning cost, here is what to know:

  • Standard office cleaning (including dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing surface), the cost can range from £16-£35 per hour for regular-sized office
  • Retail spaces with frequent and detailed cleaning comes with cost estimate between £20- £40 per hour, depending on the space’s size and complexity
  • Industrial cleaning start from £35 to £50 per hour
  • Commercial cleaning costs £18- £45 per hour

Cleaning Service Type

Cleaning service type determines the different price of office cleaning. To get regular cleaning, it means you should prepare amounts of money, from £16 to £32. While deep cleaning costs more, about £30 to £40. The cleaning cost can be higher for those who need more jobs done, it can be as much as £50 per hour.

Cleaning Service Frequency

Frequent cleaning is a great way in maintaining the cleanness of the workspace or office. It also helps to lower the cleaning cost. With a regular or daily cleaning, the office may not need deep cleaning, which is usually higher than a regular cleaning. 

A regular cleaning is the basic cleaning level. The jobs done include vacuuming, dusting, rubbish removal, emptying bins, cleaning tools, and wiping down the surface. The average cost could be from £16 to £32 per hour.

While for those who want to prepare daily commercial cleaning with daily rate for 4-8 hours of service, they can pay from £70 to £350.

Additional Service

The hourly rate of office cleaning service is £16 at lowest average for less skill-intensive tasks. While the cleaning requires carpet cleaning and floor waking, the rate is higher, up to £25 per hour. If the services require specific cleaning equipment or expertise, the rate could be up to £40 per hour.

The different price range for different cleaning needs, including additional service leads customers to get in touch with the reputable cleaning service company. The aim is to get a clear estimate without any hidden cost.

Commercial Office Cleaning London

Comparison of Costs for Different Types of Office Spaces

Business type and commercial space requires a different cleaning service. Thus, the cleaning cost will be different from one building to another. To get to know how much office cleaning costs to pay for, let’s check the comparison of costs for each business type and space:

  • Office cleaning comes with £16-£25 in average
  • Commercial cleaning comes with £32-£50 in average
  • Other specialist cleaning comes with £40-£50 in average
  • Window cleaning start from £32-£40  in average

Tips for Reducing Office Cleaning Costs in London

Keeping the office clean as always is important. However, hiring professional cleaners requires you to spend large amounts of money. For regular needs, by which you need to call a professional, do you want to reduce the office cleaning costs?

If so, here is a few tips for you:

Implementing Sustainable Practices to Reduce Cleaning Frequency

Nowadays, sustainability is a necessity. Sustainable practices in the workplace are beneficial for the environment as well as cost savings. To realize the benefits of sustainable practices, encourage employees to DIY clean up and start simple habits like cleaning up the spills immediately, wiping down the desk, and disposing the trash properly.

Another good practice once the office wants to reduce cleaning frequency is implementing a no eating at the desk policy. Instead, the office can provide the space for employees to enjoy their meals and eating.

Scheduling regular maintenance, using sustainable cleaning products, and adopt mini office design can contribute to realizing the goal, reducing cleaning frequency.

Negotiating with Cleaning Service Providers for Discounts or Package Deals

Another good way to reduce the cost of hiring office cleaning services London is by asking for negotiation. In other words, negotiate with the provider whether you can get the best price or special offers like discounts or package deals.

Special offers allow you to get the best price which impacts on lower office cleaning costs.

Investing in High-quality Cleaning Equipment

Clean and healthy working environment can lead to more productive employees. Perhaps, the office often hires commercial cleaning London to keep the workspace clean and comfortable.

Once determined to reduce the cleaning frequency because of the cost matters, it’s time to invest in high-quality equipment. It can help prolong intervals between professional cleanings.

Benefits of Hiring Office Cleaning Services in London

Forget the stress of maintaining a spotless office – Kind Contractors, a trusted office cleaning services London, can elevate your workspace to a whole new level. Their licensed and accredited cleaners utilize eco-friendly products and meticulous techniques to create a healthy environment that meets the hygiene standard. 

This not only boosts morale and reduces sick days, but also presents a fantastic first impression to clients. Kind Contractors understands the unique needs of busy offices & commercial spaces, that why we offering flexible scheduling and customized plans to seamlessly fit your workflow. 

Free up valuable time and resources – Kind Contractors can be your partner in creating a clean, healthy, and ultimately, more productive work environment.

Frequently Asked Question

Compiled from many sources, the average cost of office cleaning in London are starting from £16 to £30 per hour.

For office cleaning, the productivity rate is varied, depending on few factors, like the office size and space, location, type of cleaning service, cleaning frequency, and many more. In general, cleaning productivity rate ranging from 250 m2/hour. An office space with 750 m2 should take 3 hour cleaning.

Office cleaning requires professional cleaners because they have expertise, experience, and latest equipment.


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